Systemic Design + Strategies for Innovation
Applying Innovation Strategy at Ford
Design-led innovation takes time in large, traditional organizations like Ford Motor Company. As a design strategist, I understand that to infuse and catalyze human-centered design, the transformation is a multi-channel process: top-down awareness building, introducing design expertise and grass-root level cultural change.
Scaling Design Thinking At Ford
Setting the environment and building the mechanism to allow human-centered design to thrive in the organization.
Smart World Infrastructure
Future scenario planning for the infrastructure strategy and finding the human narratives to strategize around disconnected business interests.
Sustainable Systems for Macro-scale Innovation
For contemporary and complex problems such as sustainable economy restoration and industry revitalization, it is crucial to bring a system-level vision into the problem-solving. In my point of view, design has so much more than human-centeredness to bring to the table: as a knowledge-broker, as dot-connecting agents, and threads through multiple sustainability lenses
Calumet Revitalization: The Future of Brownfields
Proposing new strategies to restore local economies in the Calumet region through complex systems design.